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Syrian Army Makes Al Qaeda Go Boom



Whole lot of “Allahu Akbars”…

Lovely shot. Right on the group, didn't even damage the surrounding buildings.

Love some of the comments:

so 'akbar' means 'holy shit, we getting our asses whooped'

Booom!!!!!!! Allo akbar? Can you hear me now?

Ground Control to Major Akbar. Can you hear me Major Akbar?

Hello ackbar? .... Must be like that 3am call from Benghazi Hillary and Obama got.... no answer.

Nothing supports your cause more than videoing your asses getting decimated and putting up on JihadTube so we can make fun of you
At 57 seconds you can see a couple of the guys look up ...and you can almost hear them thinking "Yikes, didn't really want the virgins today!"


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