Author Topic: Conservatives Calls for Capital One to Drop Baldwin Over Anti-Gay Tweets  (Read 636 times)

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Conservatives Calls for Capital One to Drop Baldwin Over Anti-Gay Tweets

by Wynton Hall 5 Jul 2013, 7:45 AM PDT

A coalition of over two dozen leading gay and straight activists are calling on Capital One to fire spokesman Alec Baldwin in the wake of homophobic tweets the  actor made last week on Twitter.

“We urge all Americans to ask themselves, ‘What’s in your wallet?’ We hope they will reject Alec Baldwin’s homophobia by cutting up those Capital One cards in their wallets,” said gay conservative strategist and GOProud co-founder Jimmy LaSalvia of

Joining LaSalvia in spearheading the effort with his colleague at, John Hawkins. LaSalvia and Hawkins issued an open letter signed by several prominent conservatives to Capital One CEO Richard Fairbank. The group has also launched an online petition.

“It's still a free country and Alec Baldwin can do as much gay bashing as he likes on Twitter, but it's hard to understand why Capital One would choose to publicly condone his homophobia by keeping Baldwin on as its spokesman,” said Hawkins. “If Capital One is not going to do the right thing, then Capital One doesn’t deserve our business.”

Baldwin sparked controversy when he blasted British reporter George Stark after he alleged Baldwin’s wife, Hilaria Thomas, was tweeting during the funeral of actor James Gandolfini.

"[I’d] put my foot up your f**king ass, George Stark, but I'm sure you'd dig it too much,” tweeted Baldwin. "I'm gonna find you George Stark, you toxic little queen, and I'm gonna f**k you... up."

On Friday, Baldwin sent a statement to GLAAD apologizing for the remarks and denied they were homophobic.

"My ill-advised attack...had absolutely nothing to do with issues of anyone's sexual orientation,” Baldwin’s statement said. “As someone who fights against homophobia, I apologize."

So far, however, Capital One has remained silent.

“Liberals and conservatives may not agree on much, but we should all certainly be able to agree that Alec Baldwin's comments were way over-the-line and completely inappropriate,” said Hawkins.

LaSalvia and Hawkins’ group is not alone in condemning Baldwin’s controversial tweets. CNN host Anderson Cooper took to Twitter to point out the apparent hypocrisy in giving Baldwin, an outspoken Democrat, a pass.

“Why does #AlecBaldwin get a pass when he uses gay slurs?” tweeted Cooper. “If a conservative talked of beating up a ‘queen’ they would be vilified.”
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776