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IRS official Holly Paz reportedly fired



Embattled IRS official Holly Paz is believed to have been fired from the scandal-ridden agency, indicating that the growing IRS scandal could end up implicating more IRS agents than previously thought.

Paz, the director of the IRS Rulings and Agreements division, has virtually disappeared since her reported Friday firing, and her computer is now inactive.

A Fox News anchor said Friday that Paz’s firing has been confirmed.

Paz, a graduate of University of Pennsylvania Law School and a former private-practice attorney, personally sat in on 36 of the 41 interviews conducted for Treasury Inspector General J. Russell George’s report last month on the IRS’ improper targeting of conservative groups between 2010 and 2012.

“Why was Holly Paz… in almost all of the interviews you conducted? Why would you have someone from the IRS in those meetings? Is that proper protocol?,” North Carolina congressman Mark Meadows, a member of the House Oversight Committee, asked George in a May hearing.

“I am unaware of it. This is the first I’ve heard this,” George replied.

Paz contributed $2,000 to Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign in 2008.

Sacrificial lamb? The real culprits will face no consequences.


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