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Gohmert: Holder’s credibility is 'shot’



--- Quote ---A GOP member of the House Judiciary Committee said Saturday that Attorney General Eric Holder had lost the trust of the American people, arguing the Justice Department has been turned “into a criminal defense firm” over an ongoing government leaks scandal.

“Eric Holder’s credibility has been shot," Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said during an appearance on Fox News.

Gohmert lambasted Holder for refusing to publicly explain his role in the agency’s probes into media leaks, which involved the monitoring of reporters’ phone records.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) announced late Friday that Holder had agreed to meet privately to discuss testimony he gave the panel last month. 

Gohmert said the concession would not satisfy the public – or members of the press.

“How are you going to feel when you know we’re meeting behind doors to talk about how he may be invading your rights and getting your e-mail and checking your phone calls?" Gohmert questioned Fox News’s Uma Pemmaraju. “It’s not enough."

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"Gohmert: Holder’s credibility is 'shot’"

How can that be?
He never had any "credibility" to begin with!


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