General Category > Trump Legal Investigations

Bolton: NSA leaker Edward Snowden is guilty of treason

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--- Quote from: sinkspur on June 10, 2013, 03:02:12 pm ---Of course he's a traitor. 
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That you Bolton???  (just kidding)

But, seriously ...  would you prefer it if no one shines a light on the rampant, criminal, anti-Constitutional activities of this regime?

Why not refer to him as whistleblower? 


--- Quote from: Right_in_Virginia on June 10, 2013, 04:05:24 pm ---Wow...Bolton needs to calm down.   Because if Bolton really believes the crap that's coming out of his mouth ... then he's saying NO ONE knows better than the government and NO ONE has the right--under any circumstance--to be a whistleblower.

IMHO, it's logic like Bolton's that makes me fear for our country.

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--- Quote from: Right_in_Virginia on June 10, 2013, 04:08:28 pm ---Why not refer to him as whistleblower?

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Just our gov't making sure that future whistleblowers know what their ultimate end will be...


--- Quote from: GourmetDan on June 10, 2013, 04:18:05 pm ---Just our gov't making sure that future whistleblowers know what their ultimate end will be...

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How very Stalin and Saddam of them. 


--- Quote from: Right_in_Virginia on June 10, 2013, 04:20:20 pm ---How very Stalin and Saddam of them.

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That's just the nature of gov't.  If not strictly controlled, it will take over everything.  The founders understood that and framed the Constitution with that in mind.

These days (given gov'ts constant repetition of the theme), people think of gov't as 'sugar daddy' giving them everything they want.

This is why our gov't is constantly at war against the Constitution and has been for 200+ years.


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