General Category > Trump Legal Investigations

Bolton: NSA leaker Edward Snowden is guilty of treason

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" Oaths mean nothing if I believe I am honoring a higher cause."

I believe that's straight out of The Punisher...Thomas Jane Version.


--- Quote from: Oceander on June 10, 2013, 05:44:25 pm ---Fair enough.  But, as GourmetDan points out - having that information didn't do us a lick of good, did it?

--- End quote ---
Only because those charged with protecting us chose to ignore it.
That's a whole different issue.

Pretty clear cut to me.  The government is spying on all of us without cause.  Rand Paul is right, it they suspect we did something then get a warrant, no warrant no spying. Period.  Another thing he said is they collect so much data they cannot see the forest for the trees, thus the real criminals - like Tsaraneav slips though the cracks...  they were warned about them and that would have been appropriate for a warrant and more - yet they didn't even know they left the country.

Bottom line, government is out of control and we are all their all too willing dupes.


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