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Deadly drone raid hits Pakistan's tribal belt


Via al Jazeera:

--- Quote ---A suspected US drone has fired two missiles into a house in Pakistan's northwestern tribal belt, causing fatalities, local security officials say.

Wednesday's attack left another four people wounded in the village of Chashma near Miranshah, the main town of North Waziristan district. The area is a stronghold of Taliban and al-Qaeda-linked fighters along the Afghan border.

"At least four people have been killed and four injured. US drones are still flying over the area even after the attack," a local security official in Miranshah told the AFP news agency.

He spoke on condition of anonymity as he was not authorised to talk to the media.

A second security official confirmed the attack and casualties but said the identity of the victims was yet not clear.

It was the first attack since the May 11 general elections won by Nawaz Sharif's Pakistan Muslim League.

Sharif, who is preparing to take power in the first week of June, has called the drone strikes a "challenge" to his country's sovereignty.
--- End quote ---

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I thought Obama had strict rules on drone usage?


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