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Afghan officials say suicide assault repulsed


Via al Jazeera:

--- Quote ---Afghan security forces have repulsed an attack by seven suicide bombers on the governor's office in the northeastern Panjshir province, officials say.

Three of the bombers blew themselves up and four others were killed by police during Wednesday's attack, which also destroyed K Karim's office, and left one police officer dead.

Panjshir, an ethnically Tajik area northeast of Kabul, was a centre of anti-Taliban resistance during the group's 1996-2001 regime, and has been among the most peaceful provinces in Afghanistan since they were ousted.

The attack, which was claimed by Taliban fighters a text message sent to the media, has heightened concerns about thir ability to strike in districts where they have little presence or public support.

The attack started in the early hours of the morning and continued for about one hour.

Abdul Kabir Waseq, Karim's spokesman, said that an explosives-packed car that had not been detonated was also recovered from the scene.
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