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Russian arms 'to deter foreign intervention in Syria'


Via the BBC:

--- Quote ---Russia says it will go ahead with deliveries of S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Syria, and that the arms will help deter foreign intervention.

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said the missiles were a "stabilising factor" that could dissuade "some hotheads" from entering the conflict.

Russia also criticised a decision by the EU not to renew an arms embargo on the Syrian opposition.

Mr Ryabkov said the move would harm the prospects for a peace conference.

He said the contract for the S-300 missile systems had been signed several years ago.

"We consider these supplies a stabilising factor and believe such steps will deter some hotheads from considering scenarios that would turn the conflict international with the involvement of outside forces," he was quoted as telling journalists.
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More at link.

Israel is a little pissed off.

BBC Breaking News ‏@BBCBreaking 5m

Israel "will know what to do" if Russia delivers anti-aircraft missiles to #Syria, Israeli defence minister warns

How will Israel feel about the US supporting the "rebels"?


--- Quote from: mountaineer on May 28, 2013, 04:34:14 pm ---How will Israel feel about the US supporting the "rebels"?

--- End quote ---

If I repeated some of the language about that from my friends and contacts I would be banned instantly. Let us just say that one of my friends worked through 6 different languages of curses before he calmed down enough to talk about it.


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