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Sniper kills Syrian journalist from pro-government TV


Via Reuters:

--- Quote ---(Reuters) - Sniper fire killed a well-known Syrian journalist working for a pro-government television channel near the Lebanese-Syrian border on Monday, the state news agency said.

Yara Abbas, a reporter for the al-Ikhbariya news channel, was killed near Debaa airport in Homs province. Forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad there have been trying to recapture the base from the rebels seeking to oust him.

Syria TV said Abbas, in her mid-twenties, was targeted by "terrorists", the term commonly used by Assad supporters to describe the rebels.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a pro-opposition monitoring group, said several members of her television team were also wounded in the attack.

Abbas was a common sight for Syrian television viewers. She frequently reported alongside Assad's forces from the frontline of Syria's two-year conflict.
--- End quote ---

Too short to excerpt.

I know no one is fond of the media, but they do pay a heavy price sometimes for reporting.


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