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Attacks on Muslims soar in wake of Woolwich murder


Via the Guardian:

--- Quote ---Habeeb Ali, from the Muslim Council of Coventry, hands out flowers at the site were Lee Rigby was murdered. Photograph: Thabo Jaiyesimi/Corbis

Anti-Muslim attacks in Britain have soared since Wednesday's murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich.

Faith Matters, an organisation that works to reduce extremism, said it had been told of about 150 incidents in the last few days, compared to between four to eight cases before Wednesday.

Fiyaz Mughal, the director of Faith Matters, said incidents were happening on the streets and online. "What's really concerning is the spread of these incidents. They're coming in from right across the country," he told the BBC.

"Secondly, some of them are quite aggressive; very focused, very aggressive attacks. And thirdly, there also seems to be significant online activity … suggesting co-ordination of incidents and attacks against institutions or places where Muslims congregate."

Police have reported several arrests since Wednesday. Benjamin Flatters, 22, from Lincoln, was arrested on Thursday after complaints were made to Lincolnshire police about comments made on Twitter that were allegedly of a racisut or anti-religious nature.

A second man was visited by officers and warned about his activity on social media, according to the police.

The charge comes after two men in Bristol were arrested and released on bail for making alleged offensive comments on Twitter about the murder. A 23-year-old and a 22-year-old, both from Bristol, were held under the Public Order Act on suspicion of inciting racial or religious hatred.
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More at link.

A reminder for those not familiar with the UK press. The Guardian is not only extremely left wing but is very variable in it's reporting. It is possibly the best paper for pure investigative reporting in the UK - it is also legendary for "making shit up," a process we call Morganing.


--- Quote ---two men in Bristol were arrested and released on bail for making alleged offensive comments on Twitter about the murder.
--- End quote ---
Wow, they said something offensive? That's almost like decapitating an innocent man. 

Our hate speech laws are pretty draconian.

Of course, you can say what you like about Christians ....

Do you have a link to back that up?

The number seems about right - maybe a touch on the low side, but I am curious as to what has and has not been counted.


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