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Sweden riots continue after police shooting

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--- Quote ---Hundreds of youth have burned down a restaurant, set fire to more than 340 cars and attacked police during a fourth night of rioting in the suburbs of the Swedish capital, shocking a country that dodged the worst of the financial crisis but failed to solve youth unemployment and resentment among asylum seekers.

Violence spread across Stockholm on Wednesday, as large numbers of young people rampaged through the suburbs, throwing stones, breaking windows and destroying cars. Police in the southern city of Malmo said two cars had been set ablaze.

Media reports said a police station office was set on fire in Stockholm's southern suburb of Rågsved, where several people were also detained. No one was hurt and the fire was quickly put out.

Rioters defied a call for calm from the country's prime minister, going on the rampage after nightfall damaging stores, schools, a police station and an arts and crafts centre in the four days of violence.

"I think there is a feeling that we need to be in more places tonight," said Towe Hagg, spokeswoman for Stockholm police. One police officer was injured in the latest attacks and five people were arrested for attempted arson.
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More at link.

"Youth gang riots in the Swedish capital Stockholm have entered fifth straight night. Hundreds of mostly immigrant teenagers tore through the suburbs, smashing windows and burning cars in the country’s worst outbreak of violence in years..."

"“In Sweden you’ve got welfare, access to the educational system – up to university level, you got access to public transport, libraries, healthcare – to everything. And still they feel that they [immigrants] need to riot through stones and Molotov cocktails. It’s ridiculous and a bad excuse,” Swedish Democrats MP Kent Ekeroth told RT."

Yeah, what the heck. We've given them everything they need so why aren't these people content as good little sheep should be?

Oh, I see.

“The problem is not from the Swedish government or from the Swedish people,” the editor in chief of Dispatch International said. “The last 20 years or so, we have seen so many immigrants coming to Sweden that really don’t like Sweden. They do not want to integrate, they do not want to live in [Swedish] society: Working, paying taxes and so on.”

“The people come here now because they know that Sweden will give them money for nothing. They don’t have to work, they don’t have to pay taxes – they can just stay here and get a lot of money. That is really a problem,” Carlqvist added.

Sounds very much like the situation in England, doesn't it?

Aside from the religious differences present, the collectivist welfare state operates on the assumption man is basically an animal and if you satisfy his physical needs he will become a passive, tractable, and law abiding member of society. But man is far more than that and the paternalism inherent in such a system is offensive to the human spirit, whether realized or not, and will ultimately lead to the kinds of social disorders now being seen in Sweden, in Britain, and in the past several areas of the United States. In the Soviet Union the view man is no more than an animal, little more than a member of a herd that needs to be lead and cultivated, combined with a lack of material goods, created a nation of drunks.

In Western Europe add to the mix the irreconcilable religious differences present and you have created a powder keg just waiting to explode.

The second generation muslims are big trouble and more and more radicalized....  we need to learn from this  ......

olde north church:
Shoot three or four of them and let their bodies rot in the street.  That should send a message.

And we're up to day 6.

Sweden riots spread beyond Stockholm despite extra police

There has been a sixth night of rioting in Sweden's capital, Stockholm, despite police reinforcements being deployed.

Cars were set alight in poor suburbs inhabited largely by immigrants, although the unrest was reportedly not as serious as on previous nights.

The rioting also spread outside the capital for the first time on Friday, with youths torching vehicles and buildings in two towns.

The US and UK meanwhile warned their citizens to avoid affected areas.

The UK Foreign Office advised people to stay away from large gatherings in the Stockholm suburbs of Husby, Hagsatra, Ragsved, Skogas, and to take care and monitor local reports.

The riots began on Sunday in Husby, a deprived, predominantly immigrant area in the north-west of the capital. It is believed they were sparked by the death of an elderly man nearly a week before, who was shot by police after he allegedly threatened to kill them with a machete.

More at link.


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