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U.S. Attorney Investigating Fox News Donated to Obama (Worked for Obama for America)



--- Quote ---The US Attorney for the District of Columbia, Ronald C. Machen - the man responsible for the aggressive surveillance and phone record scrutiny at Fox News - is also a big donor to the Obama Campaigns. At the time of his appointment, the Washington Post wrote a profile on Machen including this tidbit: 

    Over the years, he has donated $4,350 to Obama's campaigns. He gave $250 to Obama's U.S. Senate campaign in 2003, a year before Obama, then an Illinois state senator, emerged on the nation's political radar, according to campaign finance records.

Furthermore, in June of 2012, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) questioned Attorney General Eric Holder about the appointment of Mr. Machen to head-up the leaks investigation. During the questioning Sen. Cornyn revealed that not only was Machen a donor to the Obama campaign, he was also a volunteer for Obama for America.

--- End quote ---

There should be emergency legislation passed that with obvious conflict of interest...they be suspended without pay immediately.

We can dispose of them later.  LOL!

There should be a general conflicts of interest rule that requires recusal in cases such as this.


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