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Valerie Jarrett’s “All Hands On Deck” Order Confirmed – West Wing Media Meeting Held… by Ulsterman

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Valerie Jarrett’s “All Hands On Deck” Order Confirmed – West Wing Media Meeting Held…
by Ulsterman on May 21, 2013

Some of the staunchest pro-Obama members of the liberal media were just seen entering the West Wing as a group today to no doubt receive their marching orders on how best to protect the Obama White House…

(Valerie Jarrett has no doubt given her most trusted media figures very clear marching orders – PROTECT US AT ALL COST)
Here’s a just posted tweet from White House reporter Ari Shapiro:

“Other lefty columnists headed into the West Wing as a group. POTUS coffee? Carney meeting? Anyone?”

The columnists spotted were Jonathan Capehart, Josh Marshall, and Ezra Klein, among others.   LINK
It should be noted that this West Wing media meeting was held at approximately the same time reports were coming out regarding the top IRS official pleading the 5th prior to her Congressional testimony on the IRS intimidation scandal.
Panic button time for Jarrett and company…

ummmm.....why is Val orange?  too much tanning time?

She is almost as disgusting on the outside as she is on the inside.

Because we know who attended, it will be a good idea to watch exactly what they say over the next few days. It will reveal a coordinated message.


--- Quote from: AbaraXas on May 22, 2013, 02:42:55 am ---Because we know who attended, it will be a good idea to watch exactly what they say over the next few days. It will reveal a coordinated message.

--- End quote ---

Good point.


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