General Category > Trump Legal Investigations

IRS asked pro-life group about 'the content of their prayers'



--- Quote ---During a House Ways and Means Committee hearing today, Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Ill., grilled outgoing IRS commissioner Steven Miller about the IRS targeting a pro-life group in Iowa.

“Their question, specifically asked from the IRS to the Coalition for Life of Iowa: ‘Please detail the content of the members of your organization’s prayers,’" Schock declared.

“Would that be an inappropriate question to a 501 c3 applicant?” asked Schock. “The content of one’s prayers?”

“It pains me to say I can’t speak to that one either,” Miller replied.

--- End quote ---

I'd like to see some people pull out contemporaneous notes, emails, etc. and file lawsuits against the IRS AND the individual agents involved.

Make them lawyer up. Claim damages, lost revenue, psychological harm, etc.


--- Quote from: truth_seeker on May 21, 2013, 03:32:11 am ---I'd like to see some people pull out contemporaneous notes, emails, etc. and file lawsuits against the IRS AND the individual agents involved.

Make them lawyer up. Claim damages, lost revenue, psychological harm, etc.

--- End quote ---

Center for Law and Justice has already filed ten new lawsuits in the last week and says there will be more.


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