General Category > Trump Legal Investigations

Tampa Tea Party member says she's been negatively affected by IRS on two separate occasions



--- Quote ---Before it was revealed earlier this month that the IRS has been scrutinizing conservative groups seeking a tax-exempt status, the biggest issue the agency has dealt with in the past year is refund fraud and identify theft — a problem that has exploded in the Tampa Bay area.

As a co-founder of the Tampa 9-12 Project chapter, Karen Jaroch has already gone public about the ordeal she felt her group underwent when applying to the IRS three years ago. She also told CL that she and her husband were recent victims of refund fraud, delaying their tax refund for a full year.

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"I believe they're double paying on all of these refunds because these funds are going to untraceable, reloadable debit cards, and I think that's a system that's been broke that I don't think anyone is addressing."

has anyone heard about this fraud before???


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