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[1] Klan planning North Carolina rally to advertise new target: illegal immigrants

[2] 'I will not rest until these worthless pieces of s**t are dead': Anguished vow of mother who watched two illegal immigrants - who had been deported SIX times before - gun down her off-duty Border Patrol son

[3] Charge: Obama plan to legalize millions of immigrants 'disastrous' to blacks

[4] Americans worry that illegal migrants threaten way of life, economy

[5] Read A Border Agent's Email Rant About Lack Of Border Enforcement

[6] Border Patrol Agent: Federal Government Releasing Murderers Into U.S.

[7] IRS Abolishes Mandatory Expiration Dates For Illegal Immigrants’ Taxpayer Status

[8] Wall Street Journal Poll: Majority Want Illegals 'Returned Immediately'

[9] Slain Border Patrol Agent’s Blood ‘On Hands of Congress and President,’ Says Union


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