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[1] Mercedes showing off their 360 turn feature in the new electric G Wagon

[2] Guy igniting gas stove by generating static energy

[3] An iPhone fell from an Alaska Airlines flight and still works. Scientists explain how.

[4] 415 days and counting still John Kerry won’t release Climate Office details

[5] Great Food Reset: U.S. Agriculture Dept approves nation’s first ‘lab-grown’ meat from ‘steel tanks’

[6] Measuring Censorship in Science Is Challenging. Stopping it Is Harder Still

[7] GM buys out nearly half of its Buick dealers across the country, who opt to not sell EVs

[8] The Feds' Vehicle 'Kill Switch' Mandate Is a Gross (and Dangerous) Violation of Privacy

[9] Just for Fun: Chinese Diesel Heaters


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