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[1] Colossal snake measuring over 50 feet long found in India

[2] EVs Have a ‘Republican Problem’ With Divide Deepening Ahead of Election

[3] 'A dire spiral': Used EV prices are cratering amid sinking consumer demand

[4] Earth will be blasted by a geo storm that could cause blackouts- here's what to brace for

[5] U2 spy plane finds thunderstorms generate gamma rays all the time

[6] Welcome to The United States of Surveillance

[7] NASA FRAUD...Rogan, Sibrel, Reese, Dubay, Weiss and Witsit

[8] The Evolution Fraud

[9] Elon Musk predicts crewed SpaceX flights to Mars by 2028, hopes for 'self-sustaining city' on planet


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