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(1/1572) > >>

[1] Old cameras are back in style

[2] Scientists say they may have discovered origin of consciousness - and it's a theory popularized by J

[3] Ford Recalls Mustang Because 'Steering Wheel May Turn Unintentionally'

[4] Facebook to build data center in Wyoming that will use 10x times more electricity than Cheyenne.

[5] Almost 50% of American EV Owners Want to Go Back to Gas-Powered Cars

[6] The Mysterious 'Ecocide' Collapse of Easter Island Never Really Happened

[7] Oldest wine ever discovered in liquid form found in untouched Roman tomb

[8] The Miserable End of Darwinian Evolution

[9] A $1 bill worth thousands may be hiding in your wallet—here’s what to look for


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