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[1] Major Teachers’ Union to Vote on Resolution Accusing Israel of ‘Genocide’

[2] The Dark Relationship Between U.S. Universities and The Anti-American School Controlled By Terrorist

[3] Bible must be incorporated into education, Oklahoma state superintendent Ryan Walters orders

[4] Ilhan Omar visits Columbia campus and reports students are ‘joyfully protesting’

[5] 850-pound Cudahy woman dies, funeral challenges | FOX6 News Milwaukee

[6] Another COVID "conspiracy theory" becomes reality as a bombshell study CENSORED by The Lancet

[7] D.O.D. Has No Idea How Much It Sent to China For Gain of Function Research

[8] Princeton Professor Gets SMACKED DOWN by Facts After Claiming Homeschooling Is 'Educational Neglect'

[9] Fauci Finally Tells the Truth: Trump Saved 'Millions' of Lives


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