Trump Legal Investigations

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[-] January 6th

[-] Mar-a-Lago Raid

[-] Fulton County Indictment


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[1] Flashback: Justice Dept - 'To Our Knowledge' We Did Not Hack Attkisson's Computer

[2] Glenn Greenwald Regularly Attends Marxist-Leninist Conferences Author By Cliff Kincaid

[3] Some Foreign Telcos Reportedly Defied NSA Phone Spying Order (Verizon may have refused to supply call data after all)

[4] Judith Miller: Obama Shifts Spotlight Away from NSA with No Clear Plan for Syria

[5] Clinton confidante at center of Benghazi damage-control tied to probe of suspected diplomat crimes

[6] FBI hasn’t contacted a single tea party group in IRS probe, groups say

[7] U.S. Agencies Said to Swap Data With Thousands of Firms

[8] Jailed Qwest CEO claimed that NSA retaliated because he wouldn’t participate in spy program

[9] APNewsBreak: NSA leaker Snowden not welcome in UK


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