World News

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[-] China


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[1] Mexicans seek asylum as drug violence persists

[2] For the first time ever, U.S. blocks military aid to Egypt

[3] France is considering declaring Marseilles, its 2nd largest city, a 'NO-GO' Zone due, primarily, to rampant Muslim violence

[4] Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, Who Ousted U.S. From Vietnam, Is Dead

[5] Millions of American taxpayer dollars will be spent promoting the Muslim Brotherhood's band of Islamism to counter Al Qaeda

[6] Reports Emerge of Syrian Jihadist Rebels Massacre of Alawites: Baby’s Head Hanging From Tree, Woman Sliced In Half With Each Half Hung From Separate Trees

[7] Russian troops to "help" with American disasters on American soil?

[8] Kudos to Cairo! Senior Muslim Brotherhood official and former William J. Clinton Foundation employee arrested for inciting violence

[9] China: US Shutdown Exposes 'Ugly Side of Partisan Politics'


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