World News

Child Boards

[-] China


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[1] H.L Menken on education. Still true.

[2] Saudis: :we are learning from our Enemies how to treat the United States

[3] Surreal and Suicidal: Modern Western Histories of islam

[4] Iraq Suicide [CAR] Blasts Kill 27, Many of Them Children

[5] Former Joint Chiefs chairman: Obama plotted o destabilize regimes in Bahrain, Egypt

[6] U.S. Says Navy SEALs Stage Raid on Somali Militants

[7] Minnesota's Somalians on Kenya massacre: youth being told 'this is right to hate people'

[8] U.S. commandos seize al Shabaab leader in Nairobi attack response: NYTimes

[9] Kenyan Security Forces Kill Radical Islamic Cleric Linked To Al-Shabaab, Muslim Rioters Torch Church In Response


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