World News

Child Boards

[-] China


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[1] Subway Removes Ham and Bacon from 185 UK Stores After 'Strong Demand' from Muslims

[2] Nigerian elder says abducted girls ‘sold’ as ‘wives’ to jihadists

[3] Gerry Adams arrested for questioning over 1972 IRA slaying

[4] Sweet: Egypt Court Sentences 683 Jihadis To Death Including Muslim Brotherhood Chief

[5] Israel: John Kerry's inflammatory words do nothing for peace

[6] 'Nobama, no bases, no war': Bitter Filipino protesters burn US flags and clash with riot police as Obama's tour of Asia ends on a sour note

[7] Imam to Obama: 'end oppression of muslims'; Obama to Imam: 'pray for me'

[8] Egypt sentences 683 to death in another mass trial

[9] Muslim Brotherhood threatens terror attacks on Pepsi


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