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[1] Shutdown looms as House GOP seeks one-year ObamaCare delay

[2] White House Celebrates Bisexual Visibility Day with an Official Closed-Door Event

[3] House Throws Down Gauntlet: Delay ObamaCare or Shutdown Government

[4] Exclusive–Palin: Flushing Critters and Retrieving 2014

[5] The following Republican Senators chose not to listen to the American people and voted to fund Obamacare!

[6] House Republicans meet to plot next move, as shutdown deadline nears

[7] Bill Whittle: You really ought to go home McCain and Obama [What Really Happened to the F-22]

[8] As Government Shutdown Looms, Eric Cantor Holds Meeting on Amnesty

[9] Feinstein comes for your right to speak freely online


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