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[1] Kevin McCarthy: House Will Send Third Volley to Senate if Reid Rejects Last Night’s Bill

[2] Sen. Ted Cruz Discusses Defunding Obamacare on Meet the Press

[3] Durbin willing to look at medical device tax, later

[4] As Senate clears way for Obamacare funding, how the House planned 'from the beginning' to angle for a one-year delay to set up 2014 election showdown

[5] From Bachmann, a persuasive case for why many Republicans don't fear a shutdown By BYRON YORK

[6] McCarthy: 'We are not shutting the government down'

[7] Kaine: Senate will pass troop funding bill

[8] House sends stopgap to Senate hours before shutdown

[9] Aide: ‘All of the Pressure on Harry Reid’


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