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[1] Bill de Blasio Walks Away From White House Meeting With Sweeping National Hopes

[2] McCain: I’m inclined to vote with Democrats for cloture on this Boehner/Ryan budget deal

[3] Rubio Fires Back at Paul Ryan: I Know 'Full Well' Details of Budget Bill

[4] The Budget Deal's Sneaky Tax Increases

[5] Donor Disclosure by Center for American Progress Leaves Much in the Dark

[6] Rep. McClintock: Spending Spree in Budget Deal Paid for by 'Higher Taxes'

[7] It's war! Senate gears up for epic battle as ZERO Republicans line up to support budget agreement (and Democrats need to find at least five)

[8] The Divided House of Paul

[9] Paul Ryan Takes a Step Toward House Speakership


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