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[1] Is 2014 the Year of the Tea Party or the Establishment?

[2] Rubio: Hillary Gets 'F' as Secretary of State, Has 'to Answer for Its Massive Failure' in 2016

[3] John Boehner Won't Send Sergeant At Arms To Arrest Lois Lerner

[4] Republican Primary Voters Seem Determined To Nominate Candidates Who Can Win - Michael Barone

[5] Long-Time Dem Rep. John Conyers Fails to Qualify for Election Ballot

[6] Chris McDaniel could be the Tea Party’s Custer

[7] Poll: 'Rahm Re-Election on Ropes'; Only 29 Percent Would Vote for Him Today Daniel Halper

[8] Nunn leads all Republicans in Georgia

[9] Bachmann, Wasserman Schultz spar on CNN


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