Military/Defense News

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[-] Military History


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[1] April 21: This Day in U.S. Military History in the 1800s

[2] April 21: This Day in U.S. Military History Before 1800

[3] 'You Sir, Owe an Apology to the Families Whose Loved Ones' Blood Was Shed': An Open Letter from the Mother of the First Navy Seal Killed in Iraq to Gen. Dempsey

[4] An East TN veteran who was forced to take down her flagpole by her HOA found a loophole and is proudly displaying her stars and stripes.

[5] God Bless the Doolittle Raiders

[6] US Navy Sends More Warships Near Yemen in Security Move

[7] Ted Cruz: Give Soldiers Right to Carry Guns on Military Bases

[8] Slain SEAL's Mom Rips Dempsey: Ramadi Matters

[9] Marine Helicopter is Forced to Land on California Beach


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