Military/Defense News

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[1] Military (Former and Present) Funerals and Repatriations of MIAs Remains

[2] B-1 Lancer | The Most Feared US Supersonic Bomber Ever Made

[3] Why Isn't There A Mach 2 Bomber Jet In The U.S. Air Force?

[4] U.S' Deploys B61-12 Gravity Bomb Nukes Aimed At Russia | NATO Nation's 150 Bombs Ready To Hit Moscow

[5] Houthis Targets Eilat & US Aircraft Carrier USS Harry S. Truman; Forces Retreat Amid Red Sea Strikes

[6] Ingenious Military Innovations Shaping the Future

[7] Starting Monstrously Powerful US Stealth Fighter Jet

[8] US Testing Scary Fire Fighting Robots to Deploy Them on Aircraft Carriers

[9] The US Navy is turning its war trimarans into minehunters. It’s not before time


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