Military/Defense News

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[1] Military (Former and Present) Funerals and Repatriations of MIAs Remains

[2] BREAKING>>Three US troops killed in drone attack in Jordan, at least two dozen injured

[3] Hear retired US general’s response to Ukrainian soldiers who say US-issued tanks are underperforming

[4] The Blue Angels True Story: 15 Coolest Facts Amazon's Doc Leaves Out About The U.S. Navy Squadron

[5] F-35 vs A-10: Can The Lightning Effectively Replace The Thunderbolt?

[6] China Rages Over Philippines Deployment: Did Biden Just Sleepwalk Us Into Another Cuban Missile Cris

[7] U.S. Army Unveils Blueprint for Next-Gen Command and Control Systems

[8] DARPA tests out 12-ton RACER vehicle in multiple terrains

[9] How artificial intelligence is reshaping modern warfare


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