Military/Defense News

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[1] Military (Former and Present) Funerals and Repatriations of MIAs Remains

[2] EXCLUSIVE: New Docs Shed Light On Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ Joining Offic

[3] US 'sleepwalking' into WWIII, experts warn nation is underprepared: 'We do not have our Churchill'

[4] Navy Unveils ‘Project 33’ to Prepare Forces for Conflict vs China in 2027

[5] New EV Mandates Threaten National Security

[6] Recruits need real rifles at boot camp, top enlisted airman says

[7] Nuclear Weapons in a Multi-Polar Authoritarian World: Assessing the Challenges

[8] Army embraces Ukraine-style warfare with new all-drone unit

[9] EXCLUSIVE: ‘Blood Is On Their Hands’: Abbey Gate Survivor Describes Coming Face To Face With Joe Bid


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