Military/Defense News

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[1] Military (Former and Present) Funerals and Repatriations of MIAs Remains

[2] BREAKING>>Three US troops killed in drone attack in Jordan, at least two dozen injured

[3] Battleships Iowa and Wisconsin Reinstated: A Controversial Decision Amid Evolving Naval Warfare

[4] The B-2 Bomber Has a New Trick Up Its Sleeve: Sinking Naval Warships

[5] National Guard Chief Whines About Having The National Guard On the Border

[6] Here are the munitions Navy jets used for first time against Houthis

[7] Defense Secretary says Pentagon is ready to defend the nation

[8] Navy SEALs fired for refusing COVID vaccine for religious reasons score major win against Biden admi

[9] Pentagon Says Northrop Shares Blame for ICBM’s 81% Cost Increase


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