Military/Defense News

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[1] Military (Former and Present) Funerals and Repatriations of MIAs Remains

[2] BREAKING>>Three US troops killed in drone attack in Jordan, at least two dozen injured

[3] How Do CAPTAINS LIVE on Massive Aircraft Carriers?

[4] Houthis Claim to Have Attacked U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier

[5] Money, weapons and secret meetings: What the Pentagon is doing to arm Taiwan

[6] 31 Pistols Went Missing from Fort Moore, Georgia. The Army Is Offering $5,000 for Information.

[7] Biden picked illegal immigrants over veterans. We must fix it before it’s too late

[8] The US Navy botched the design of its new $1 billion frigates: report

[9] Army Leaps into Digital Future: New Strategy to Overhaul Tech and Tackle Emerging Threats


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