Second Amendment


(1/111) > >>

[1] Federal Judge Declares Pennsylvania’s Ban On Carrying Firearms In Vehicles Without License Unconsti

[2] Kamala Harris said we should follow Australia on gun control.

[3] Federal Judge Strikes Down ATF Rule Banning Forced Reset Trigger Devices

[4] Kamala Harris says in the 1st 100 days, she will violate the 2ND amendment by executive order.

[5] ATF Stripped Of Power Under NEW 9-0 Emergency Order By Supreme Court

[6] Elon Musk has said he plans to commit around $45 million a month 

[7] Ammo vending machines installed in Oklahoma and Alabama grocery stores

[8] Florida ‘will not comply,’ with US surgeon general’s gun violence advisory, DeSantis says

[9] Texas Blocks Biden’s ATF Rule Restricting Gun Sales


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