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[1] Amnesty Made California a One-Party State

[2] Chris Christie Positions Himself for the 2016 Democrat Presidential Primary

[3] Obama Approval Unaffected by Scandals

[4] Completing the Limbaugh Theorem

[5] US Press Blames George W. Bush for Obama's Unprecedented Eavesdropping

[6] Death Panel: Secretary Sebelius Denies Lung Transplant for 10-Year-Old Girl

[7] Mark Steyn on Rush Today--Can't Miss (Laughing Out Loud)

[8] Don't Get Depressed! We Have an Opportunity to Teach People About the Culture of Liberalism

[9] The Media Meme of the Day is BS! Obama Isn't Disengaged -- He Leads a Government Waging War on Its Domestic Enemies


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