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[1] How Obama referred to Tea Party protesters as 'tea-baggers' in handwritten letter to Texas teacher complaining about health care law

[2] Waitress Who Likely Lied About Anti-Gay Note in Lieu of a Tip Is Accused of a Bigger Lie – This One Will Really Tick Off Military Vets

[3] Poll: Obama job satisfaction hits new rock bottom

[4] White House Slam GOP's Food Stamp Reforms in Thanksgiving Message

[5] Reports: Alleged trend of 'knockout game' a myth

[6] Obama's pivot No. 5 this year

[7] Sharpton blames racism for 3/4 killers and victims being black

[8] Prof (UCLA) corrects minority students' capitalization, is accused of racism.

[9] U.S. generals now take action watch Obama


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