Climate Change


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[1] Scientist admits the ‘overwhelming consensus’ on the climate change crisis is ‘manufactured’

[2] Hawaii warned of man-made threat years before lethal wildfire, but activists scream 'climate' now

[3] Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #563

[4] America’s largest grid operator SAVED by natural gas, coal and nuclear power as temperatures exceed

[5] California Has Another Planet-Saving Idea

[6] WEF Scientist Details Plan to End Public Meat Consumption to Fight ‘Climate Change’

[7] Earth's Umbrella: How A Solar Shield Tethered To An Asteroid Could Fight Climate Change

[8] How a massive North Atlantic cooling event disrupted early human occupation in Europe

[9] White House: ‘All’ Big Storms ‘We Continue to See Are Definitely Caused’ by Warming, Might Declare E


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