Climate Change


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[1] Carbon Dioxide and a Warming Climate are not problems

[2] Watch: Canadian MP Laurel Collins declares: ‘I am wildly emotional’ – ‘Climate emergencies are not g

[3] Home insulation is the latest net zero farce- Ross Clark

[4] Canada’s climate tyranny growing; America is not far behind

[5] Public Schools Push ‘Climate Crisis’ Indoctrination As Other Viewpoints Get Shunned

[6] As U.S. Students Struggle, Biden Pumps $900 Million Into Green School Buses

[7] Media Falsely Grouse That ‘Climate Change’ Melted Venezuela’s ‘Last Glacier’

[8] Farmers are being booted off their land in a drive for more solar power, former union chief warns

[9] Republican Exposes EPA Grant to Radical Climate Group


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