Climate Change


(1/452) > >>

[1] Rising CO2: The Supercharged Boost Behind Global Crop Yields And Food Security

[2] Meteorologist Debunks Claim Antarctica Is ‘Burning’ Up From A Heat Wave

[3] Unelected bureaucrats target the ‘crisis’ of ‘pedestrian deaths’ on roads – First ever federal rule

[4] Same Old Story, The ABC’s Climate Team

[5] 2-Minute Junking: Emissions slowing tropical storms?

[6] Energy notes from the edge: EV industry on limp-home mode; Greenpeace’s firehose used against them a

[7] Human CO2 Emissions Are Supercharging Corn Yields

[8] Can We Please Have More Science and Less Propaganda?

[9] German Professor: Wake Effect Decreases Wind Farm Efficiency, Contributes To Warming


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