Elections 2024


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[1] Nikki Haley will vote for Donald Trump: ‘Biden has been a catastrophe’

[2] Nolte: Poll Shows Biden’s Decrepitude Bigger Liability than Trump’s Legal Issues

[3] The Veepstakes Silly Season

[4] Biden administration releases 1M barrels of reserve gasoline in effort to lower prices

[5] BREAKING: Bruce Springsteen says he will be "on the next plane" to Australia if Donald Trump becomes

[6] NY Gov. Hochul: Trump Wasting Time in NYC While Biden Winning over Battleground States

[7] Biden polling drag creates split-ticket openings in swing Senate races

[8] Trump says WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich 'will be released almost immediately' after November electi

[9] Rand Paul endorses GOP Utah Senate candidate to replace Romney, says he's the 'type of Republican' n


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