Elections 2024


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[1] Black leaders, DNC blast Trump for ‘racist’ comments

[2] Biden’s frustration with the media boils over

[3] Graham said he hopes Trump picks Tim Scott for VP: ‘There’s some chemistry there’

[4] CPAC 2024: Attendees doubt Trump will face Biden: ‘Michelle Obama’s gonna swoop in’

[5] Trump poised to complete MAGA takeover of GOP in Haley’s home state of South Carolina

[6] O’Rourke supports campaign to vote ‘uncommitted’ in Michigan Democratic primary

[7] Biden calls current GOP ‘worse’ than the ‘real racists’ he served with in the Senate in the ’70s

[8] Biden in Los Angeles, Santa Monica this weekend before heading to Las Vegas

[9] California Gov. Gavin Newsom praises Nikki Haley for helping Democrats make the case against Trump:


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