Crime And Punishment


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[1] Federal employees in San Fransisco told to work from home amid soaring violent crime

[2] 3 of ‘Newburgh Four’ convicted in 2009 New York synagogue bombing plot to be released, judge rules w

[3] Liberals turn back on woke LA prosecutor George Gascon as smash and grab robberies soar

[4] East Village resident stabbed 40 to 50 times, killed in ‘unprovoked’ attack, prosecutor says

[5] Antifa militant who shot first at Kyle Rittenhouse sentenced to 3 years over Kenosha robbery

[6] (READ) Illegal alien in US 20 years, accused of raping children

[7] Horrified mom finds woman’s body wrapped in plastic in her son’s room

[8] Seattle mayor demands FEWER WHITE MEN in city’s police department, leaked memo reveals

[9] Veteran Seattle Cop Signs Off After 23 Years, Instead of Routine Exit Form She Files a Brutal 15-Pag


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