Crime And Punishment


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[1] JUST IN: Adam Schiff Robbed In San Francisco

[2] Media Outlets Are Misrepresenting Crime Stats To Biden’s Benefit

[3] Biden DOJ Says Droning American Citizens Is Totally Fine Because Obama’s DOJ Said So

[4] Houston police union warns city is 'not safe': 'We're in a perfect storm'

[5] Judge Orders FBI to Release Nashville Transgender Shooter's Manifesto

[6] Antifa-Linked Man Charged with Bombing Office of Alabama’s Republican Attorney General

[7] 50 women attacked randomly in Manhattan so far this year: NYPD

[8] Consumer Alert: FBI Warns of Text Scam Targeting Toll Road Users Across Multiple States

[9] Cat Burglar Reveals How She Made Millions Breaking Into Over 200 Houses | Jennifer Gomez~ Ian Bick


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