January 6th


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[1] Fired Bexar County Sheriff’s Deputy Wins $395,000 Settlement

[2] Nancy Pelosi Edited Sound Onto Jan 6th Footage To Make It Sound Violent (Video)

[3] J6 Inquisitors Nail Their First Big Name

[4] Ashli Babbit's heroic final minutes

[5] Kash Patel: Senior Military Officials Intentionally Delayed National Guard Deployment on January 6th

[6] Meet Donell Harvin: Trump-Hating Deep State Official Who ‘Predicted’ J6 Pipe Bombs in Advance

[7] Deputy’s selfies at Jan. 6 insurrection got her fired, suit says. Now she gets payout

[8] Jan. 6 Arrests Running at Nearly Double the Rate of 2023 and 2022: Report

[9] START THE COURT MARTIAL PROCEEDINGS: DC National Guard Whistleblower Alleges Trump’s Commander-in-Ch


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