January 6th


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[1] Jan. 6 panel seeks sit down with Jim Jordan

[2] EXCLUSIVE — Dr. Sebastian Gorka Vows ‘Political Battle’ with January 6 Committee Following Phone Rec

[3] Kinzinger: DOJ Needs to Look into Charging Trump — A Former President Is ‘Not Untouchable’

[4] Kinzinger: It's 'possible' some GOP colleagues are responsible for Jan. 6 attack

[5] McConnell 'interested' in Jan. 6 panel revelations: 'What they’re seeking to find out is something t

[6] CNN Exclusive: Jan 6 investigators believe Nov. 4 text pushing 'strategy' to undermine election came

[7] Another January 6 Conspiracy Theory Debunked: GOP House Members Did Not Coordinate With Stop the Ste

[8] Florida man sentenced to more than 5 years in prison for role in Capitol riot

[9] The Soviet-style conditions in which January 6 arrestees molder


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