January 6th


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[1] Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and the New American Fascism by Jeffrey Lord

[2] And Here's the Latest Fabricated Narrative Peddled by the January 6 Committee

[3] Liz Cheney's Jan. 6 committee: What kind of mendacious operation is this?

[4] Liz Cheney might be onto something with criminal charges for Trump, legal experts say

[5] Marjorie Taylor Greene: DC Jail Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin has a deep hatred for President Tru

[6] Federal Judge Orders January 6 Defendant To Be Released From D.C. Jail

[7] BUSTED: Adam Schiff Appears to Fake Evidence in Text Messages at January 6 Committee

[8] Swalwell on January 6 Probe: ‘There May Be a Criminal Referral’ for Donald Trump

[9] Boxer: If Trump Could Stop the January 6 Riot ‘It Proves He Started It’


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