January 6th


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[1] Jan. 6 defendants see windfall from Supreme Court ruling

[2] Sacramento man guilty in Jan. 6 riots released from prison as judge weighs Supreme Court ruling

[3] 'So tainted': Congressman calls Jan. 6 committee report 'flat out lies'

[4] Marine vet, J6 prisoner ordered to PAY BACK military benefits

[5] Ex-FBI undercover asset risks all to prove Jan. 6 was a 'Fedsurrection'

[6] THE PELOSI INSURRECTION: New Video Reveals Pelosi Taking Responsibility for Unprotected US Capitol o

[7] Pelosi: Trump and His Toadies ‘Trying to Do Revisionist History on January 6’

[8] FBI Arrests 75-Year-Old Retired NASCAR Driver Tighe Scott and Son on Charges Related to January 6

[9] Trump calls for Jan. 6 committee members to be indicted


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