Midterm Elections 2022


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[1] Arizona House Expels Republican Legislator Liz Harris After She Presented Witness Who Alleged Crimes

[2] What Does It Cost to Buy a State?

[3] Texas Gov Makes Stunning Discovery – New Election May Be Needed After Ballot Issue Discovered.

[4] Senate GOP drops hands-off approach to primaries after stinging midterm defeats

[5] Look who's suddenly silent about new poll showing ZERO percent of blacks had trouble voting

[6] California: 10.8 Million Mail-In Ballots ‘Unaccounted For’ in 2022 Elections

[7] With 25,000 Mysterious Votes And Missing Documents, Maricopa’s 2022 Election Process Marked By Chaos

[8] Colorado Won’t Name 31,000 Foreign Citizens It Sent Voter Registration Info

[9] Maricopa County announces investigation into Election Day printer issues


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